Saturday, April 28, 2007

See if this works

So we just got here and are all probably suffer jet lag (except me because I'm an insomniac...and I slept on the plane). I don't know about everyone else, but I'm confused in all senses of the word. My Host family has three kids, Aran, Uran (the girls, Aran is in 6th grade and Uran is in 2nd) and Yuki (the boy, he's in 4th grade). They seem like wonderful kids, but they don't know English, and I don't know enough Japanese to hold a conversation. Lee (the mother) seems to be the only one capable of English, though her husband, Jun, understands me well enough. They are all very nice and I hope I learn quickly so I can talk to them and understand what they are saying. Everything is so different here, it's amazing! That's all I have to say, I just wanted to be special and be one of the first (maybe the first) person to send a blog. I hope I have the address right.
